Unclaimed Deposits / Inoperative Accounts
  Unclaimed Deposits / Inoperative Accounts

Search Criteria : (For unclaimed deposits / inoperative accounts not operated for ten years or more ) ICICI Bank Home
Name/Joint Holder Name/Authorised Signatory Name * AND    
Account address/Joint Holder Address *      
  • Fields marked with *(asterisk) are mandatory.
  • Records displayed would be indicative based on search criteria match found in database and must not be considered as final.
  • If you are unable to find details of your account held with erstwhile Sangli Bank or Bank of Madura, we request you to visit your nearest ICICI Bank Branch or call our 24-hour Customer Care.
  • Deposits/Accounts already claimed will reflect in database till periodic review is done.
  • In case of joint accounts, search data, based on first holder's details.